Board of Commissioners

Jim Davidheiser - President

Linwood Bartman, Vice President

William Spade

Jack Smith

Matthew Pritchard

The Commissioners meet on the first and third Monday of each month, with some exceptions for holidays that fall on a Monday, at 7:30 pm in the Colebrookdale Township Municipal Building.  The first meeting of the new year begins at 7:00 pm for Reorganization.  The meetings are open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. The Colebrookdale Township Board of Commissioners is pleased to provide you with some information you may find necessary when you need to contact someone in your municipality. The Board of Commissioners, which is elected at large, sets policies, approves budgets, approves subdivisions, appoints members to various boards and commissions, and makes decisions regarding numerous Township matters.

Planning Commission

Jeremy Madaras - Chairman

Matthew Pritchard - Vice Chairman

William Spade

Rudy Rivera

David McElwee

Gretchen Lea

Craig Edgerton 

The Planning Commission meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00 PM. These meetings are open to the public. The Members review subdivision plans, land development plans and discuss items pertaining to planning issues in the Township. The Planning Commission serves as an advisory board to the Board of Commissioners. The Planning Commission will review and recommend any action to be taken on a subdivision plan or land use issue. You will need subdivision approval if you are dividing your land or lot into one or more additional building lots or in any other way selling or conveying part of your existing lot to another person or yourself. Anyone interested in serving on the Planning Commission should submit your name to the Township Manager and if a vacancy occurs, you will be notified.

Zoning Hearing Board

John Lea, Chairman

John Kochey, Vice Chairman

Allen Stauffer, Secretary 

Paul C. Mauger

Tracey Ochs

Board Solicitor: Eugene Orlando, Esquire Orlando Law Offices, P.C.
2901 St Lawrence Ave Suite 202, Reading, PA 19606

The purpose of the Zoning Hearing Board is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the Zoning Ordinance by hearing appeals of the Zoning Officer’s decisions and granting relief, in certain hardship situations, from the literal enforcement of the Ordinance.

The Board consists of five residents appointed by the Board of Commissioners. If an application or appeal has been filed, the Zoning Hearing Board will schedule an advertised time to meet at the Colebrookdale Township Building.