Township Storm Water Ordinance can be found under ordinance tab located on the main menu.

Have you seen illegal dumping into our waterways and/or pollution discharge to our streams and creeks? Use the link below to report it to the Township or print and fill out THIS FORM and mail or drop it off at the Township office.  

Keep up with Water News.


Why Mange Storm Water?

When It Rains It Drains

Storm water is rainwater and melted snow that runs off streets, lawns, and other sites. When storm water is absorbed into the ground, it is filtered and ultimately replenishes aquifers or flows into streams and rivers. In developed areas, however, impervious surfaces such as pavement and roofs prevent precipitation from naturally soaking into the ground.

Instead, the water runs rapidly into storm drains, sewer systems, and drainage ditches and can cause: ~ Downstream flooding ~ Stream bank erosion ~ Increased turbidity   (muddiness created by stirred up sediment) from erosion ~ Habitat destruction ~ Changes in the stream flow hydrograph   (a graph that displays the flow rate of a stream over a period of time) ~ Combined sewer overflows ~ Infrastructure damage ~ Contaminated streams, rivers, and coastal water (Source: US EPA)

Storm Water Basic Information

The PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) provides a plethora of information on their Storm Water Management Program that explains the regulations to which the Township must adhere.  Check out their current News Releases and go there often for the latest updates.

Curious how to be Storm Water smart?  Click HERE to learn how!

Hey, don’t bag those lawn clippings!  Click HERE to see why!

In case of an ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY anywhere in the South-central Region, please call 1-866-825-0208, 24 hours a day.  The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also provides additional help with understanding the benefits of storm water management at the following websites

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) 

National Menu of Best Management Practices for Storm water and Benefits of public education efforts 

Storm water information from Berks County and local agencies can be found on these sites:

Berks County Planning Commission   •   Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy   •   Schuylkill Action Network

What is the NPDES Storm water Program?

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm water Program regulates storm water discharges from three potential sources: municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), construction activities, and industrial activities.

Most storm water discharges are considered point sources, and operators of these sources may be required to receive an NPDES permit before they can discharge. 

This permitting mechanism is designed to prevent storm water runoff from washing harmful pollutants into local surface waters such as streams, rivers, lakes or coastal waters.  (Source: US EPA)

Polluted stormwater runoff is commonly transported through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), from which it is often discharged untreated into local waterbodies. 

To prevent harmful pollutants from being washed or dumped into an MS4, operators must obtain a NPDES permit and develop a stormwater management program.

Many fact sheets detailing the Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) that COLEBROOKDALE Township is required to comply with every year can be found below in the MS4 educational articles. 

Please understand that from time to time Township employees may be on your property to inspect swales, pipes and inlets for needed repairs as a requirement of our NPDES MS4 Permit.