- Never leave your residence unlocked even for a short time.

- Make sure that you have a good strong dead bolt lock and short security chain on the door.

- Install a peephole in the door, so you can view visitors before you open the door to them.

- Dead bolt locks are the best. Make sure that they have at least 1" draw into the door jam

- Sliding doors are not very secure. Place a metal bar or a wooden dowel rod in the door track

- Ask all visitors to identify themselves before you open the door to them.

- If the visitor is unknown to you, leave the chain guard in place, open the door a few inches, and ask for some identification or  credentials

- When hiring domestic help, always check references to make sure the applicant is trustworthy.

- Never hide extra door keys near your door. Someone may be watching without your knowledge.

- Alarm doors and windows.

- When not at home, leave lights or a radio on.

- Record a list of all valuables in your home including serial #s, ID#s, etc.

- Keep emergency numbers handy by each phone.

- Don’t be afraid to call the police.

- When on vacation, cancel mail & newspapers. 

- Call your local police for vacation security checks.

- Always keep your car locked while parked in the parking lot.

- Have your keys ready when approaching your vehicle.

- Go to your car with fellow employees.

- Know your business security procedures.

- Travel with a cell phone


- Walk with confidence; have strong body language.

- Make eye contact; don’t act like a victim.

- Avoid dark areas, such as dark parking lots.

- Avoid routines.

- Avoid jogging at night, especially in secluded areas.

- Don’t give personal information over the phone.

- Avoid “ROAD RAGE” confrontations.

- Never set your purse on the floor in public restrooms, where it can be easily grabbed.

- In crowds, keep a firm grip on your purse. Tuck it under your arm for added protection.

- When riding a bus, taxi, subway car, or other public transportation, keep your purse in hand so you won’t forget it.

- Never leave your purse or wallet in the fitting room while you leave to look in the mirror.

- When making a purchase, never leave your purse on the counter or in a shopping cart. It is an open invitation to thieves.

- Escape when possible! The Courts will look to see if you had the option to flee. 

- Don’t panic; keep thinking!

- Be cautious of accidents where you are struck from behind.

- If a stranger bothers you in a public place such as a theater, restaurant, or bus, report it at once to a bus driver, waitress, or anyone of authority.

- If you observe anyone acting suspiciously, or doing anything unusual or strange anywhere, or with anyone else, notify the police.

- If you think you are being followed by a suspicious person, walk or run to the nearest well lit business place to get help.

- If a suspicious person turns out to be a robber demanding your money or valuables, DON’T ARGUE. Your life is worth more than money or jewels. Give him the items, then notify the police.

- Always be on guard for confidence men, shysters, purse snatchers, pick pockets, or any person whose activities, conversation, promises, threats, or behavior is out of the ordinary.